Direction, Production & Development - Vincent Boon
Music & Sound Design - Eforez
Narration - Rodolfo Stornfelt
Violin - Burcu Ramazanoglu
3D Animation- José Santana
Assitant Asset Creation - Ash Derenkova
Music & Sound Design - Eforez
Narration - Rodolfo Stornfelt
Violin - Burcu Ramazanoglu
3D Animation- José Santana
Assitant Asset Creation - Ash Derenkova

Virtual reality installation
The Starting Point
I see the world through a different pair of eyes. I take a step to the side and become a spectator. I look at you and try to look inside. I am a shapeshifter, a blessing and a curse. All my life I have been confronted with adapting myself to situations. I absorbed the others to blend in, camouflaged in dazzle, I moved around obscuring direction, a hard to reach target hiding in plain sight.
The diary of shapeshifter will premiere on the immersive techweek in November 2022 in Rotterdam.

Haunted by a shadow cast by fear an artist faces surreal manifestations of his subconscious mind. The artist finds himself in despair, lacking inspiration and faith in his art. External pressure to perform and the internal need to please drive him crazy. With an omnipresent audience, fear of exposure, and light obsession of Sisyphus the artist becomes a shapeshifter, changes color to fit in, and blends into his environment. In his existential crisis, the artist is imprisoned in worlds of his mind that he tries to escape, through imaginary spaces. A dance between meaningful and meaningless, rational and irrational, conscious and subconscious. Everything seems senseless in the bigger picture, an image he's trying to create.
Haunted by a shadow cast by fear an artist faces surreal manifestations of his subconscious mind. The artist finds himself in despair, lacking inspiration and faith in his art. External pressure to perform and the internal need to please drive him crazy. With an omnipresent audience, fear of exposure, and light obsession of Sisyphus the artist becomes a shapeshifter, changes color to fit in, and blends into his environment. In his existential crisis, the artist is imprisoned in worlds of his mind that he tries to escape, through imaginary spaces. A dance between meaningful and meaningless, rational and irrational, conscious and subconscious. Everything seems senseless in the bigger picture, an image he's trying to create.

Photographs by Menno Boer.
Diary of a shapeshifter is an experimental VR experience about personal transformation while being haunted by one’s own shadow. In the audiovisual experience an artist goes through an existential crisis: a confrontation with fears and struggles artists often run into. Pressure, perfectionism, feeling like an imposter and the blank page. The viewer experiences the ambition to capture something grandiosely meaningful and universal through art, which paradoxically is meaningless compared to the vast indifference of the universe. A psychedelic fever dream is set inside a stylized black and white world.
Diary of a shapeshifter is an experimental VR experience about personal transformation while being haunted by one’s own shadow. In the audiovisual experience an artist goes through an existential crisis: a confrontation with fears and struggles artists often run into. Pressure, perfectionism, feeling like an imposter and the blank page. The viewer experiences the ambition to capture something grandiosely meaningful and universal through art, which paradoxically is meaningless compared to the vast indifference of the universe. A psychedelic fever dream is set inside a stylized black and white world.